On June, 18 2024 at 12.00 CEST (Helsinki/Kyiv time) the Project Management Board meeting was held

On June, 18 2024 at 12.00 CEST (Helsinki/Kyiv time) the Project Management Board meeting was held On June, 18 2024 at 12.00 CEST (Helsinki/Kyiv time) the Project Management Board meeting was held. The meeting agenda was as follows: To approve the Sustainability plan To approve the Quality assurance strategy To review the next version of the DigiFLEd website To review the structure of the Benchmarking report To share the insights/lessons from the study visit to Ireland Any other questions/suggestions (e.g. It was suggested to start developing the online courses earlier than marked in our Proposal

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Kick off meeting

The kickoff of the + Erasmus+ international grant project “Modernisation of University Education Programmes in Foreign Languages by Integrating Information Technologies” (DigiFLEd) was held at Tampere between January 30 and February 1. This project aims to improve the quality of higher education in Ukraine by strengthening the foreign language-related curricula with information and communication technologies (ICT). Its objectives are: to address mismatches between the requirements of the labour market and the offer of higher education institutions (HEI); to provide foreign language teachers with the necessary training in ICT; to foster cooperation between partner universities; to strengthen the relationships between HEI, schools and other stakeholders; to enhance the international visibility of… Read More

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